Embracing A Positive Success Mindset

Embracing A Positive Success Mindset

Are you refreshed and ready to embrace the New Year with a positive success mindset and the self-belief that whatever it is that you truly want, you’ll be able to make it happen?

January is the perfect month to detox and realign your thinking. Make the decision right now that you will let go of faulty thinking patterns that try and convince you that you can’t get what you want in your life, relationships, career, or business. Send these thoughts packing.

I believe in you and you need to believe in you too! You have all of the resources you need to achieve whatever it is that you want. It’s about adopting and sustaining a positive, optimistic, and proactive mindset to keep you moving towards your goals.


Why It’s Important To Master A Positive Success Mindset


People who make the most money and have the most success in life, have mastered the ability to structure their mind and thinking. They are vigilant about only investing in thoughts that 100% support where they want to go in life, what they want to attract, and what they want to achieve. A structured mind leads to organised, strategic and structured action. So if it’s more love and prosperity you’re wanting, then this needs to be the daily focus of your thinking. Right.

Your mind IS powerful. Whether you like it or not, your mind magnetizes your results. Being constantly mindful of this universal law is a total game changer.


positive thinking for success


Image by Greg Rakozy


Does Your Self Image Reflect Who You Want To Become?

Does Your Self Image Reflect Who You Want To Become?

Ready to raise your self confidence and self image so that you can get better results and be the best version of yourself? If you’re feeling stuck and scattered, guessing at what you should try next and working way too hard for uninspiring rewards, it’s time to do some game-changing moves.

Because most likely there’s a major disconnect going on between your current self image and who you’re aspiring to be. And anyone who’s ever dared to dream big and aim for more than what they’ve got has experienced at some stage the frustration of knowing you’re destined for bigger things, but not having the right map and guidance to help you evolve into the best version of yourself.

To shift this, because you do deserve better, add these 3 key foundational skills to your daily regime and then watch things start to transform in tangible ways:


3 Steps To A Positive Self Image


3 steps to a positive self image

Image by Eli De Faria

1. Give yourself diverse and positive experiences regularly

It’s the quality of your environment, thinking, and experiences that powerfully influences and shapes your self image – and how your brain gets wired every single day.

Why? Because your brain is an organ of adaptation that’s built by experience – with 70% of it’s structure being added after birth. This highlights the importance of being in nurturing, validating, and experience-rich environments from the moment we’re born and throughout our entire life. That’s if you want to have healthy self-esteem, reach your highest potential, and live a meaningful, rich, and rewarding life.

So always be open to new experiences and do what inspires you. Your brain, your self image, and your self confidence will thrive.

2.  Cultivate quality relationships

Neurons and humans are social entities. This means your brain is continuously being influenced and wired by who you spend the most time with. And it thrives on meaningful social interactions. So be selective. Surround yourself with optimistic, self-aware, interesting people. Limit your exposure to toxic people that drain your energy – the ones who trigger you into self-doubt, feeling bad about yourself, or less-than. Cut them loose.

Avoid discussing your life/career/biz aspirations with anyone who doesn’t support or ‘get’ you, or your goals. Their negativity, envy, doubt, or unresolved issues around not having pursued their own goals will impact you on subtle, or not so subtle levels. All of a sudden you’ll find yourself second-guessing your dreams and goals.

3.  Seek out mentors

Nothing will accelerate you taking quantum leaps in any area of your life faster than hanging out with people who are already where you want to be. It will powerfully shift how you’re seeing yourself, your life and what’s possible. That’s because of the power of mirror neurons in your brain that bridge your sensory, motor and emotional circuitry.

When you spend time with successful people that you admire, your mirror neurons get powerfully activated. Everything that you’re taking in when you hang out with them – from their mindset and behaviours to their more subconscious attitudes and beliefs around things like wealth, abundance and how to go about achieving success – is triggering corresponding motor and emotional activations in your brain and body via your mirror neurons. How cool is that. It’s the closest thing you’ll ever get to an instant download for how to become the person you want to be. The best version of yourself.

© 2015 Janelle Legge

Title image by Rocksana Rocksana

How To Stop Mind Reading And Boost Self Confidence

How To Stop Mind Reading And Boost Self Confidence

Are you creating unnecessary angst in your life by trying to mind read what someone is thinking or saying about you? It’s incredibly common, so many of us do it at some time or other. Being able to switch from mind reading and stop worrying about what someone else thinks of you is a powerful way to boost your self confidence and self esteem and put yourself back in the driver’s seat in life.

So if you have been spending too much time and energy trying to mind read what someone else thinks about you, here are 2 quick and proven remedies to break this toxic, time-wasting habit.


2 Ways You Can Break the Mind Reading Cycle And Boost Your Self Confidence


how to stop mind reading and boost self confidence

1) Ask Yourself the Right Question

If you’re burning up loads of emotional energy mind reading, you need to ask yourself “How exactly do I know this?”. 99% of the time the answer to this question is “I don’t”. That’s because you’ve created assumptions and beliefs based on old feelings and hurts that have been triggered by someone else. Often it can just be someone’s facial expression or voice tone that can reactivate old emotional and self esteem wounds. And because this all happens in an instant, it’s outside your conscious awareness. So you’re left with negative, painful feelings, not really knowing why, that you’ve then tried to decipher and make sense of. Usually on your own. When you do this, you start to create a story around why someone has made you feel this way, convincing yourself that it’s factual and true. So asking yourself this question is a great way to delete self-defeating, mind reading scripts fast, so that you can refocus and move on.

2) Reality Test

If you’re really stuck and just can’t unhook from replaying over and over again in your head what you imagine someone else is thinking or saying about you, go and talk to them. This takes courage. Go with an open mind and don’t be attached to the outcome.  If need be apply the 24+ hour wait principle to let your emotions cool down first so you can think more clearly. When you take the risk to reality test your mind reading stories and scripts by going straight to the source, you’re reclaiming your personal power by getting out of your head and into action.

Reality testing your thinking and assumptions is a powerful way to liberate yourself from other people’s validation, opinions and approval.

Title Image by Maria Victoria Heredia Reyes

The Invisible Fields Of Group Dynamics: Why what needs to be said or seen often isn’t

The Invisible Fields Of Group Dynamics: Why what needs to be said or seen often isn’t

For a long time now I’ve held the view that it’s what’s NOT being said or seen in a group that is the most interesting and zesty part. It’s what can potentially offer the biggest opportunity for transformation and change for everyone involved.

Recently I attended a workshop that left me with mixed feelings and lots of post-event reflections. Yes, the content was interesting but there were some real disconnects going on between the financial investment required to attend and what was actually being delivered. This led me to view the experience very much through a commercial lens of sales and marketing strategies and group dynamics.

The opportunity to fully immerse myself in the actual material was lost as my fascination and annoyance grew in response to what was really going on.

So why didn’t anyone else seem to notice what was going on at the time, or if they did, why wasn’t it talked about?

Group dynamics ARE powerful. When groups are run well, they accelerate and catapult our growth and learning.

Groups have the potential to be powerfully transformative.

When they aren’t run well, they also provide learning experiences, but more of the annoying kind. One of the gifts from the latter type of group experience is the wake-up call they provide. They snap us out of a collective trance, or rose-tinted admiration fest.

Groups bring up family of origin dynamics and the feelings associated with these. When we join a group, subconsciously we experience the group leader as ‘Mum’ or ‘Dad’ in some shape or form. We also slide back into roles we played in our families growing up.

If a group is projecting idealized versions of ‘Mum’ or ‘Dad’ onto the leader, then no one wants to upset or criticize ‘Mum’ or ‘Dad’ – even when obvious flaws start to appear.

It’s as if everyone is under a magical spell – and we are really. It feels good when we think someone is amazing and has special value to offer. It offers us a sense of safety and certainty in uncertain times. We like to feel intimacy, acceptance and connection with others, it’s one of the great things about being in groups.

But when what needs to be talked about isn’t, invisible fields grow and become ‘pink elephants in the room’ that aren’t being acknowledged.

The tension and discomfort that this creates is usually picked up most intensely by the person(s) seeing and thinking about things in a different way to everyone else. This can feel lonely if that person happens to be you.

It takes courage to speak out and break a group spell. Raising what’s being avoided and left unsaid often evokes strong reactions. I’ve experienced this and if you have too then you know it takes internal fortitude, belief in yourself, and risking being not liked by ‘the group’.

Not always though.

Talking about what’s being avoided can come as a collective relief and release, enabling others to see and think about these invisible fields too. You might even make some new friends in the process.

Have you ever dared to break a group spell?



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