Spiritual Cleansing of Negative, Toxic Energy. Why it’s Important for Your Brain

Spiritual Cleansing of Negative, Toxic Energy. Why it’s Important for Your Brain


Are you feeling stressed and energetically bombarded by everything that’s going on around you at the moment? If you can relate, then it’s important to set aside time to reconnect with what nourishes you on a more spiritual level. Because stress and living in constant overdrive is not only bad for your mindset and general health, it’s hurting your brain.

Here’s why self care really matters and isn’t something to put last on your ‘To Do List’ :

Studies in brain science show that optimal brain states occur when you’re relaxed. That’s when you’re the most creative, can think outside the box, and come up with genius ideas and solutions. It’s also when you’re the most centred, grounded, and connected to your very core.

Stress is a precursor to anxiety and negative, toxic thinking. All of which impacts you on a molecular level. When you’re consumed by negative, toxic thoughts and feelings, it constricts your brain’s ability to function at it’s best. It narrows your awareness and focus (resulting in tunnel vision), and your ability to dream big and visualize positive outcomes. You start to believe your own negative scripts around what’s possible and what’s not.  

Doing regular self care is vital to good brain function and a healthy, expansive, enriched life. It’s what allows you to BE in the moment, and open to possibilities. You’re also able to step out of the chaos and think clearly and see what needs to be simplified. And it’s a solid way to build your confidence and improve your self image.

If you’re ready to clear out the negative toxic energy in your life, here are 3 things you can do to get off the treadmill of stress and overwhelm and into more optimal ways of being:

3 Steps to Spiritual Cleansing and a Healthy Brain

1.   Be honest with what’s not working for you

Take some quiet time alone to be really honest with what’s going on in your life. Make a list of all the things that are making you feel resentful, exhausted, flat, or uninspired. Decide what you need to release so you can make space for what’s personally rewarding and authentic to you.

 2.  Know what nourishes you

Spend time in an environment where you can unplug, relax, and be in the moment. This might be in nature, by the ocean, or listening to calming music. Journal what nourishes and inspires you, and how you can bring more of this into your life on a regular basis.

3.  Listen to your body every day

Your body is your most reliable barometer for letting you know when you’re on the right track, or heading off course. Tuning into what you’re feeling in the moment is a powerful way to grow awareness around how your thoughts and behaviours impact your feelings. It will help you identify what’s draining your energy, and what you need to release. It’s about shifting your focus away from the outer environment and taking the time to tune into what’s going on inside you. And if you find this difficult to do, yoga, tai chi and other forms of moving meditations are great ways to get started.

Knowing what de-stresses and nourishes you lets you be the best version of you. It enriches your brain, your outcomes and the quality of your entire future life.


5 Reasons To Stop Spending Time With Negative People

5 Reasons To Stop Spending Time With Negative People

Are you tired of negative people draining you of your energy and enthusiasm for life? Maybe you’ve spent way too long politely and stoically listening to them? Hoping that they will finally ease up on dumping their negative vibes all over you? But they don’t.

If you’re nodding your head in agreement, then it’s time to limit your exposure to negative people, or in some cases disengage from them entirely. Because the impacts of spending too much time around negative people can be insidious and long-lasting:

5 Top Reasons To Stop Spending Time With Negative People

# 1 Increased Self-Doubt

When you’re pioneering your own path in life and feeling a bit vulnerable because you’re venturing into the unknown, it doesn’t take much for a negative person’s remark or disapproving vibe to trigger self doubt in you. It can make you start questioning whether the path you’ve chosen is the right one for you. If you don’t limit your exposure to toxic negative people by setting good boundaries, you can end up losing a lot of precious time second-guessing yourself and your decisions. Robbing you of your optimism and natural exuberance for life.

# 2 Low Self-Esteem

When the negative people in your life are family members, not getting their validation and approval can erode your self-esteem and self-confidence. If this is the case, you need to get some distance from them so you can grow your own psychological roots, and a more robust level of self-esteem. It’s about intentionally disengaging from the negative thinking patterns and beliefs that have been unconsciously passed down from one generation to the next.

#3 Compromised Wellbeing

Negative thinking is bad for your brain. So it’s important to be aware of what you’re thinking and what ideas and views you’re absorbing from other people. Good mental health and overall wellbeing requires positive, optimistic thinking. Repetitive toxic thinking is like a virus. It can deplete you physically and emotionally and compromise your immune system.

#4 Restlessness And Discontent

Regular exposure to negative thinking messes with your desire nature. When this happens it doesn’t matter what opportunities come your way, nothing ever seems quite right for you, or good enough. You struggle to value what you’ve already achieved. You’re always feeling restless and never quite satisfied.

# 5 Abandoning Your Dreams

There’s nothing more demotivating and draining than ending up on the wrong pathway in life because you’ve spent too much time listening to negative people. If this is you, then you need to get back on the right track. Because the longer you leave it, the bigger the task of course-correcting and realigning with your dreams and vision of how you want your life to be.


You are constantly being imprinted and shaped by the 3-5 people you spend the most time with. So if you’re wanting to live a positive, self-directed and successful life, you need to be around like-minded, optimistic people who support and encourage you. Doing this will accelerate your growth like nothing else. You’ll also feel happier, more confident and fulfilled.


Title image by Sarah Williams




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