A Quick Energetic Reboot For Busy People In A Stressed Out World

A Quick Energetic Reboot For Busy People In A Stressed Out World

It’s hard not to get drawn into everything that’s going on in the world at the moment where feelings of stress and overwhelm can become your default emotional state.


As well as depleting our energy physically, mentally and emotionally it’s also affecting how we view everything in life, including our confidence levels and optimism for the future.


If you want to regain control and manage your emotional wellbeing in an uncertain and at times highly chaotic world, then it’s important to know how to do an energetic reboot to feel grounded, more confident and centred. Start here with the energy detox and energetic reboot steps outlined in this article. Your brain, body, soul and business will thank you for it.


3 Steps For An Energetic Reboot In A Stressed Out World

1.   Eliminate Your Tolerations

Take some quiet time to look at what’s going on in your life and what you’re tolerating. Do a ‘Tolerations Audit’. Make a list of all the things that are making you feel resentful, annoyed, drained and uninspired. Include clutter in your list, it’s one of the biggest energy drains of all for women in particular.


Commit to releasing everything that you’ve been tolerating in your environment, relationships and at work so that you’re not suppressing your feelings and getting drained energetically and emotionally.


If there’s something that you absolutely can’t release, then be proactive and see how you can change your attitude or approach so that it’s no longer annoying and depleting you.


 2.  Make Self Care A Priority

With so much uncertainty and chaos in the world, self care is NOT something to put last on your ‘To Do List’. It’s essential. Regularly take time out to nourish and restore. Whether that be spending time in nature, listening to music that relaxes you, journalling, practicing yoga or other mindfulness-based activities that help you focus on the breath and stay present in the moment.


3.  Tune Into Your Body’s Wisdom

Your gut feel, intuition and feelings are powerful sources of information for letting you know when you’re on track and when you’ve gone in the wrong direction. Being aware of what you’re feeling in the moment and why is a powerful way to identify what kinds of things are draining your energy and what energizes and inspires you.


It’s about developing an ‘Inner Focus’ rather than being tossed around by constantly focusing on the outer environment. If you’re finding this a bit of a stretch, then moving forms of meditation (like tai chi and yoga) that involve your body, mind and breath are a great way to start learning how to deeply tune into what your body is trying to tell you.


The latest research in neuroscience shows that the most optimal brain states that enhance creativity, thinking breakthroughs, mental agility and resilience occur when you’re relaxed and in the present – not when you’re continuously outer focused and stressed.


Applying these steps and making them part of your daily/weekly routine will give you the energetic reboot that’s essential for coping and thriving in a stressed out world.


How Healthy Is Your Intuition?

How Healthy Is Your Intuition?

Intuition is one of the most powerful tools to success you have. So why is it that so many women don’t listen to it, or trust it?

If you’re not listening to your intuition, then it’s time to see your intuitive powers in a new light.

Just about every successful person on the planet will tell you that trusting their intuition, or ‘gut instincts’, has been one of the most important keys to their success. They view it as their number one secret weapon. It’s what has enabled them to stand out from the pack in their chosen field and build a personally meaningful and rich life.

What usually gets left out of this ‘secret to success formula’ is that your intuition needs to be cultivated and grown, just like any other skill, in order to be effective. It requires the right kind of environment so it can flourish and thrive.

Below is my Intuition Health Check to help you get your Intuition back on track and into top form:

7 Signs That Your Intuition Is Being Neglected

  1. You’re constantly over-tired and don’t get enough sleep.
  2. Your energy is scattered so you can’t focus for long on anything.
  3. You don’t trust yourself, which manifests as self-doubt.
  4. You don’t believe in yourself or your greater potential.
  5. You listen to everyone else’s opinions instead of your own which leaves you feeling overwhelmed and confused.
  6. You’ve been ignoring your intuition for so long – it’s now giving you the silent treatment.
  7. You don’t meditate or set aside alone time to check in with yourself and your intuitive guidance.

How did you score? If you can identify with any of the above, then your intuition could do with a health boost. Select the areas that you feel most need your attention, and start creating the right conditions for your intuitive guidance to become strong and clear. 

Knowing how to use your intuition wisely is one of the best kept secrets to personal and business success.  It’s your reliable inner guide system to living a confident and meaningful life.


5 Ways To Alchemize Your Negative Feelings Into Gold

5 Ways To Alchemize Your Negative Feelings Into Gold

Negative or sad feelings are opportunities for your personal growth and transformation, when you give yourself permission to experience them fully.

It’s actually counter-intuitive.

We’re so primed to always be upbeat and positive when part of being human is at times to feel sad, angry, or just plain negative. Especially when things from the past are being triggered and regurgitated. When this is happening it never feels great at the time.

Most people immediately think they shouldn’t be having these feelings and look for instant distractions and magic silver bullets to get rid of the discomfort that comes with sadness, painful memories, or negativity.

If you can relate to this, here is my powerful 5 step approach to transform negative feelings into gold:

1. Give Yourself Permission to Feel

There is pure alchemical gold in just allowing and tuning into your true feelings. So when you’re feeling negative or sad, step 1 is to give yourself permission to feel the way you do. This is different to endless wallowing and staying forever stuck in negative thinking loops. It’s about being mindful of your thoughts, feelings and body so you can tune into the valuable information and insights that will eventually emerge when you’re ready to receive them.

2. Stay Grounded

It’s important to stay grounded and nurture yourself during this time. Yoga, meditation, spending time in nature, swimming, having a massage are excellent ways to support yourself when you’re feeling emotionally out of sorts.

3. Journal

Journal and observe your thoughts and feelings and the insights that start to emerge as you just stay with your Self and your feelings.

4. Stop the Distractions

Don’t look for distractions like other people’s dramas, being constantly on the go and busy, or anesthetizing yourself with alcohol, food and other substances during this phase. It only drowns out your inner voice and intuitive wisdom that will quietly guide you to what’s best for you when you create the space and environment for this to organically occur.

5. Listen to Your Intuitive Guidance

When you really stay with You and your feelings, sadness and negativity become your valuable teachers and feedback mechanisms. Particularly when it comes to re-evaluating your boundaries. Applying these steps teaches you how to accurately decipher what painful or negative feelings are trying to communicate to you. You’ll discover new insights that lead to clarity, renewed focus and certainty around what you need to do next.

Mastering this process will bring you more personal abundance, and freedom from being a prisoner to your emotional world. Because every time you avoid your true feelings, especially the painful ones, they simply go underground only to re-emerge even stronger the next time they get triggered by something or someone.

When you apply these 5 steps you step into the Now where all potential is activated.



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