Anxiety Coping Strategies For Uncertain Times

Anxiety Coping Strategies For Uncertain Times

Anxiety coping strategies for uncertain times lead to good mental health, more awareness, resilience, happiness, inner peace and calm. There’s the old saying “knowledge is power” and I’d add to that for today “awareness” is not only power, but the most potent way for you to disengage from collective fear and panic that’s just not serving anyone.

Never before has it been more critical to become more self aware, educated and informed so that you can take a more objective and constructive view of things.

When you’re being presented for months on end with statistics without any kind of meaningful or relevant context you have to step back and ask “What’s not being said/explained?”. Why aren’t the improvements, the recoveries and mildness of 98% of coronavirus cases being highlighted also? Why isn’t the fuller context being given?

You have to wonder about the level of consciousness of the people generating and broadcasting such negative messaging night after night – messaging that’s potentially far more harmful because of the mass fear and anxiety it creates which as we’re seeing has devastating mental, wellbeing, economic and societal impacts.

It’s widely known now how harmful stress, worry and negative thinking are to our immune systems and overall physical and mental health. The quality of our thoughts have a direct impact on our health, productivity, self-confidence and relationships.

5 Anxiety Coping Strategies For Uncertain Times

#1 Stay focused on the present moment and what’s going well

Let’s choose instead to focus on the present moment and the positives – where you have the most power and agency. Looking after yourself mentally, spiritually and physically so that you’re more present for yourself and the people who depend on you.

#2 Be the gatekeeper of your mind and focus

Key to this is taking care of your daily mindset and mental health – being the gatekeeper of the quality, accuracy and usefulness of the information you expose yourself to so that you’re not being bombarded and assaulted each day with alarmism which perpetuates feelings of fear and powerlessness and becomes addictive and hypnotic for some.

There are more positive and constructive sources of information out there if you use discernment and switch off from the nightly drama of sensationalist style news.

#3 Develop critical thinking skills

And if you don’t use critical thinking skills or listen to your own instincts and commonsense, particularly when you’re in uncharted terrain, you’re constantly giving your power away and that’s when you can slip into feelings of helplessness and inner despair.

#4 Take time out to detox your thinking, replenish and reboot

Even if you can only grab 15 minutes alone time for yourself each day, it’s worth the effort. Regular time out allows you to turn down the noise, clear out repetitive, negative thoughts and connect in with yourself and your own inner wisdom and guidance. For some people that’s having time out at their local cafe, for others it’s yoga, swimming, running, walking in nature or regular journaling. Find what works best for you and make it a regular date with yourself.

#5 Believe in yourself and learn how to hold the longer view

What you say to yourself every minute of each day is powerful. Staying grounded and at the same time optimistic and confident in your own abilities are vital skills during uncertainty.  Regularly reminding yourself that you are strong, capable, healthy and resourceful builds self confidence and self belief. As does developing the stamina and resilience to be able to hold in mind the longer range view – that this situation will eventually become yesterday’s news. It’s about focusing on how you can use challenging situations to emerge healthier, more resilient and more aware.

Spiritual Cleansing of Negative, Toxic Energy. Why it’s Important for Your Brain

Spiritual Cleansing of Negative, Toxic Energy. Why it’s Important for Your Brain


Are you feeling stressed and energetically bombarded by everything that’s going on around you at the moment? If you can relate, then it’s important to set aside time to reconnect with what nourishes you on a more spiritual level. Because stress and living in constant overdrive is not only bad for your mindset and general health, it’s hurting your brain.

Here’s why self care really matters and isn’t something to put last on your ‘To Do List’ :

Studies in brain science show that optimal brain states occur when you’re relaxed. That’s when you’re the most creative, can think outside the box, and come up with genius ideas and solutions. It’s also when you’re the most centred, grounded, and connected to your very core.

Stress is a precursor to anxiety and negative, toxic thinking. All of which impacts you on a molecular level. When you’re consumed by negative, toxic thoughts and feelings, it constricts your brain’s ability to function at it’s best. It narrows your awareness and focus (resulting in tunnel vision), and your ability to dream big and visualize positive outcomes. You start to believe your own negative scripts around what’s possible and what’s not.  

Doing regular self care is vital to good brain function and a healthy, expansive, enriched life. It’s what allows you to BE in the moment, and open to possibilities. You’re also able to step out of the chaos and think clearly and see what needs to be simplified. And it’s a solid way to build your confidence and improve your self image.

If you’re ready to clear out the negative toxic energy in your life, here are 3 things you can do to get off the treadmill of stress and overwhelm and into more optimal ways of being:

3 Steps to Spiritual Cleansing and a Healthy Brain

1.   Be honest with what’s not working for you

Take some quiet time alone to be really honest with what’s going on in your life. Make a list of all the things that are making you feel resentful, exhausted, flat, or uninspired. Decide what you need to release so you can make space for what’s personally rewarding and authentic to you.

 2.  Know what nourishes you

Spend time in an environment where you can unplug, relax, and be in the moment. This might be in nature, by the ocean, or listening to calming music. Journal what nourishes and inspires you, and how you can bring more of this into your life on a regular basis.

3.  Listen to your body every day

Your body is your most reliable barometer for letting you know when you’re on the right track, or heading off course. Tuning into what you’re feeling in the moment is a powerful way to grow awareness around how your thoughts and behaviours impact your feelings. It will help you identify what’s draining your energy, and what you need to release. It’s about shifting your focus away from the outer environment and taking the time to tune into what’s going on inside you. And if you find this difficult to do, yoga, tai chi and other forms of moving meditations are great ways to get started.

Knowing what de-stresses and nourishes you lets you be the best version of you. It enriches your brain, your outcomes and the quality of your entire future life.



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